• Covid-19 2020

    Did the Bottom Fall Out?

    What happened to the world? Did the bottom fall out? The words that are being used to describe the current situation are “unprecedented”, “pandemic”, “crisis”, and “extraordinary”. We now have new words in our everyday vocabulary such as social distancing, self-isolation, self-quarantine, N-95 masks, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Contact tracing, Community spread, super-spreader, asymptomatic, pandemic, epicenter, flattening the curve, presumptive cases, herd immunity, virtual drinks, and MS Teams/Zoom/Slack meetings. Three things happened all around the same time: Coronavirus Covid-19 hit the world First detected in China in Wuhan, Hubei in December 2019 Virus spread to South Korea, Japan and Iran in early 2020 Spread to Europe with Italy being the worst hit…

  • Book Notes

    “A Whole New Mind”

    Are you a left-brain person or a right-brain person? Most people use both sides of their brain but one side is more dominant than the other. I recently read a book called, “A Whole New Mind – Why Right Brainers will Rule the Future” by Daniel H. Pink. (A good friend of mine had recommended another book by the same author called – To Sell is Human). Pink, in his book talks about the skills that would be necessary in the future due to three factors: Abundance – In the age of abundance, meeting only logical and functional needs is not sufficient. Engineers must design things to not only work…