
The Meaning of Life

I asked Siri (iPhone assistant) – “Hey Siri, What’s the meaning of Life” and Siri answered, “All evidence to date suggests its chocolate.” Siri is getting pretty smart.

From the dawn of the prefrontal cortex, humans have been seeking answers to these questions: “What is the meaning of Life?”, “Why are we here on earth?”, “What are we supposed to do that’s meaningful?”, “Are we wasting our life doing what we are doing everyday?”

Here’s my answer to this question.

The universe does not owe us an answer to the “meaning of life” question. Life does not owe you an explanation of its meaning. Life is what you make of it. Meaning is what you make of it.

Meaning of life is different for different people. Some people climb mountains, some play sports, some paint the Sistine Chapel, some work on raising the next generation, some work hard at their jobs with an aspiration to climb the corporate ladder, some give up worldly pleasures & become monks and some spend their whole life wondering about the meaning of life without ever finding it.

A well lived life means you were happy and enjoyed each moment of your life and enjoyed all the simple things in life. You had love, you had a family, you had great friends, you set goals and achieved them, you had sense of accomplishment and lived your life with no regrets. You were satisfied with the path that you chose no matter what it was and you were satisfied with all the decisions that you made.

For me, meaning of life is that you enjoy and live every moment of your life cheerfully, calmly and with no regrets. You find pleasure in whatever you are doing and don’t let the present moment pass you by. Make every moment of life an emotional success.